Weed mulch Ben Elms

Food Forest Design. Ben Elms

Food forest design. Ben Elms

Weed mulch Ben Elms
We are specialists in
Soil building
Orchard Design
Edible Landscapes
About Us
Ben Elms has been living in the unusual climate of Central Otago for over 20 years. Some of Ben's hats include Permaculture designed orchards, one on one mentoring, hands-on workshops, the Dr Compost program and writing for regional newspapers and gardening publications.
Videos and upcoming workshops
Check out this how to composting video we did with the Life and Leisure magazine.
This video has some top composting tips, from carbon ingredients to problem solving. Link to video click here.
We're Specialists at
Dr Compost Workshops
These workshops are run through out the year. Workshop topics include Vegetable gardening, Garden design, Creating micro climates, Bokashi buckets, Worm farms. Hot and cold composting... Check out Dr Compost on Facebook or Wanaka Wastebusters website. www.wastebusters.co.nz